Piano Lessons
Popular Music
Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven
Für Elise
A Million Dreams
This is Me (from The Greatest Showman)
Can You Feel the Love Tonight
Everything is Awesome (from The LEGO Movie)
We Don't Talk About Bruno (from Disney's Encanto)
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Unit 1
Lessons 1–20
Hot Cross Buns
D Journey
C Boogie
Five Woodpeckers
Frog in the Middle
Listen for Bells
Piano posture
C & D major pentascales
Rhythmic dictation
Composing rhythms
Improvisation basics
Adding chords while playing the melody
Solfège: do, re, mi, fa, so
Musical alphabet
Names of all white keys on piano
Rhythms: quarter note, quarter rest, eighth notes, half notes
Finger numbers
Terms: stepping, skipping, repeating, high, low, improvisation, composition, sharp, rhythmic dictation, solfège, transpose
View Unit 1
Unit 2
Lessons 21–40
Mouse in the House
Rain Come Wet Me
Who’s That?
Let Us Chase the Squirrel
The Wild Horses
Playing 3-note chords
"Stepping & Skipping" Finger Exercise
I & V7 chords
Minor pentascales
New pentascales: C, D, G minor and G major
Melodic dictation: stepping, skipping, repeating on staff
Ear training: basic patterns in major pentascale
Grand staff basics: treble clef, bass clef
Guide notes: treble G, middle C, bass F
New rhythm: sixteenth notes
Solfège: ti (for V7 chord)
Repeat sign
Terms: harmonize, melodic dictation, treble clef, bass clef, grand staff, I chord, V7chord, flat
View Unit 2
Unit 3
Lessons 41–60
Love Somebody
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Silver Birch Tree
I Have a Dog
Oranges and Lemons
New pentascales: E major and minor, F major and minor
Reading repertoire from the grand staff
Sight reading simple melodies on the treble and bass staves
Notating a song 'by ear' on the staff
Time signature, measures, and barlines
New rhythms: Dotted eighth-sixteenth notes
Half-steps, sharps, and flats
Terms: similar and contrary motion
View Unit 3
Unit 4
Lessons 61–80
Lavender's Blue
Spinning Song
Spinning Upside Down
Debka Hora
Ode to Joy
Recognizing and identifying intervals
Counting the beat
New pentascales: A major & minor
Identifying Guide Notes on the staff
New articulation: staccato
Composing in binary form
Terms: intervals, staccato, legato, binary form
New rhythms: eighth with 2 sixteenths, dotted quarter with flagged eighth
New Guide Notes: Treble C, Ground G, Flag F
Dynamics: forte, piano
View Unit 4
Unit 5
Lessons 81–100
Row, Row, Row Your Boat
Lady, Lady
I Hear the Mill Wheel
Au Clair de la Lune
La Cinquantaine
New pentascales: D-flat, E-flat, and A-flat major and minor
Improvising an accompaniment using chord symbols
Voicing a melody over an accompaniment
Counting rhythms using a subdivided beat
Composing original music using a haiku
Playing a duet
New rhythm: eighth rests
Meaning of and how to differentiate slurs and ties
Reading upper ledger lines on the bass staff
Building a major or minor pentascale starting on any key using whole steps and half steps
Terms: enharmonic, tie, slur, fermata, duet, melody, accompaniment
View Unit 5
Unit 6
Lessons 101–120
Kye Kye Kule
Harvest Dance
Happy Birthday to You
New pentascales: B, B-flat, and F-sharp major and minor
Reading notes on lower ledger lines of the treble staff
Counting syncopated rhythms using a subdivided beat
Review all 12 major and minor pentascales using circle of 5ths
Improvising using a “blues” scale
Circle of 5ths
New rhythm concepts: syncopation, pick-up notes, downbeats
Question and answer phrases, phrase marks
All primary dynamic symbols and terms: pianissimo, piano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, forte, fortissimo, crescendo, decrescendo, diminuendo
New articulation: accent
View Unit 6
Unit 7
Lessons 121–140
Musette in D Major (BWV Anh. 126)
All the Pretty Horses
Are You Sleeping
Black Snake
Playing and identifying all 24 major and minor triads
Reading chord symbols and improvising an accompaniment from a lead sheet
Using a metronome to help build speed in playing a fast song
New finger power exercises based on Charles-Louis Hanon’s famous exercises
Playing the ii7 chord
Composer Johann Sebastian Bach and the Anna Magdelena Bach notebook
Spelling all major and minor triads: root, 3rd, and 5th
Tempo indications: largo, adagio, andante, moderato, allegretto, allegro, presto, prestissimo
View Unit 7
Unit 8
Lessons 141–160
Canoe Song
Deta, Deta
Dragon Night
When the Saints Go Marching In
Follow Me
Finger cross-over and thumb-under
More variations on Hanon’s finger exercises
Dictating melodies by ear on the staff
Review reading chords from a lead sheet
1-octave major scales using tetrachords in all sharp keys
Guide Notes and Ledger Lines: High C and Low C
Review syncopation
Rhythm review: how various rhythmic values all relate to one another and to the beat
Ladder of 5hts
Key signatures for all major keys with sharps: C, G, D, E, B, F-sharp, C-sharp
View Unit 8
Unit 9
Lessons 161–180
Melody for Left Hand by Ludvig Schytte
Etude by Albert Biehl
Morning Salute by Cornelius Gurlitt
The Hope by Samuel Cohen
Tarantella by Joseph Hoffman
Play one-octave scales in C & G major and A & E natural and harmonic minor
Play one-octave arpeggios in C & G major and A & E minor
Proper wrist and finger technique for playing scales and arpeggios
Voicing with melody in the left hand
Staccato in one hand with legato in the other hand
Correct fingerings for one-octave scales and arpeggios
Understanding and performing rhythms in compound meters: 3/8 and 6/8
Dictating rhythms in 3/8 and 6/8
New composers: Ludvig Schytte and Albert Biehl
View Unit 9
Unit 10
Lessons 181–200
Promenade (A. Reinagle)
Heart and Soul
The Bear (V. Rebikov)
Minuet in C (J.-P. Rameau)
When Johnny Comes Marching Home
Play and identify all diatonic chords in a major key
Create chord progressions using diatonic chords
Play first and second inversion chords
Play one-octave scales and arpeggios in D major, F major, and D minor
Diatonic chords
Chord progressions
First and second inversion chords
A-blues scale
New composers: Vladimir Rebikov and Jean-Phillipe Rameau
View Unit 10
Unit 11
Lessons 201–220
Andante (J. C. Bach)
Down By the Bay
The Village Prophet (J. J. Rousseau)
Amazing Day (J. Hoffman)
Land of the Silver Birch
Analyzing chords in a score
Playing a 2-octave scale and arpeggio in B-flat major and G minor
Proper technique for using the damper pedal
Advancing techniques for improvising an accompaniment from a lead sheet
Key signature for B-flat major / G minor
Tools for identifying inversions
The damper pedal
New composers: Johann Christian Bach and Jean-Jaques Rousseau
View Unit 11
Unit 12
Lessons 221–240
Arabesque (F. Burgmüller)
Ballade (F. Burgmüller)
Musette in D
Two-octave scales and arpeggios in G, D & A major
Two-octave scales and arpeggios in A, D, G & C minor
Identify and play diatonic chords in minor keys
Harmonizing a melody using diatonic chords
Composing an original piece in ternary form
Improvising in blues scales over a 12-bar blues pattern
New terms: scherzando, leggiero, sforzando, countermelody, misterioso, con brio, dolce, augmented chord, animato
Tools for chord analysis
Practice strategies for playing fast passages with accuracy and evenness
Blues scales and improvising over a 12-bar blues chord progression
View Unit 12
Unit 13
Lessons 241–260
Sonatina in C (1st, 2nd, and 3rd movements) by Muzio Clementi
America (My Country 'Tis of Thee)
Super Secret Agent (by Joseph Hoffman)
Counting rhythms in "cut time" (2/2 time signature)
Counting and performing eighth-note triplets
E-flat major scale (2-octave), arpeggio (2-octave), diatonic chords, and inversions
Creating your own original arrangement of a song
Chromatic scale
New terms: sonatina, movement, sonata-allegro form, Alberti bass, exposition, development, recapitulation, triplet, trill, opus, molto, forzato, roof top accent, subito
Identify and analyze sonata-allegro form
View Unit 13
Unit 14
Lessons 261–280
Etude in D Minor (C. Gurlitt)
Minuet in G Major (C. Petzold)
The Wild Horseman (R. Schumann)
The Song of Twilight (Y. Nakada)
How to read and execute ornaments: trill, mordent, appoggiatura
More advanced applications of artistic elements: phrasing, voicing, damper pedal technique
Counting the beat using subdivided sixteenth notes ("1-ee-and-uh") as a tool for performing more complex rhythms
Dissonance vs consonance
Ornaments: Trill, mordent, appoggiatura
Formal analysis review: binary, ternary
View Unit 14
Unit 15
Lessons 281–300
Sonatina in G, 1st and 2nd movements (L. Beethoven, Anh. 5, No. 1)
Autumn Moon (J. Hoffman)
Polonaise in G Minor (J. S. Bach, BWV Anh. 119)
The Mechanical Doll (D. Shostakovich)
B minor 2-octave scales (natural, harmonic, and melodic), arpeggios, and diatonic chords
Executing a "rolled" chord
Additional Hanon finger power exercises
Composing and improvising over a chord progression
Using form and phrase structure to guide your own original compositions
Improvising ornamentations and passing tones in a baroque piece
New terms: anhang (German), a tempo, poco rallentando, molto espressivo, dolce, rolled chord
Identifying chord tones vs non-chord tones
Learn about unique stylistic considerations for music of the Baroque Era (1600-1750)
Review: grace notes, 8va
How to identify shifting tonal centers in music
View Unit 15
Unit 16
Lessons 301–322
Spinning Song (A. Ellmenreich, Op. 14, No. 4)
Prelude in C Minor (J. S. Bach, BWV 999)
El Matador (M. Bober)
Sonatina in F (L. Beethoven, Anh. 5, No. 2)
Learn the original version of C. L. Hanon's "The Virtuoso Pianist," Exercises 1-11
3-octave scales and arpeggios, using triplets
E major scales, arpeggios, diatonic chords, and inversions
How composer catalogues work, including an understanding of the meaning of abbreviations like "BWV" and "K"
Key signature for E major: 4 sharps
View Unit 16
Unit 17
Lessons 323–342
Elfin Dance, Op. 12, No. 4 by Edvard Grieg
Scherzo, from Piano Sonata No. 9 Hob XVI/9 by Franz Joseph Haydn
March in D Major, BWV Anh. 122 by Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
The Entertainer (simplified) by Scott Joplin
A-flat major scale, arpeggio, and diatonic chords
Learning to recognize and identify various intervals by sight and sound, including m2, M2, m3, M3, P4, and d5
Improvising in the key of A-flat major
Double sharps, double flats
Key signature for A-flat major: 4 flats
Reading and writing intervals: perfect 4th, diminished 5th, augmented 5th
View Unit 17