♫I can’t stop the feelin’! Nothin' I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance♫
♫Feel a good, good creepin' up on you
So just dance, dance, dance, come on♫
Hello and welcome. I'm Joseph Hoffman and
today we are learning how to play "Can't
Stop the Feeling"
aka "Dance dance dance" as performed by
Justin Timberlake. This is my Level Two
tutorial which is great for anyone with
two or more years of piano experience if
you're looking for something easier you
can check out my Preparatory Level or
Level One tutorial for this song. What? The
hair? I heard this song was from some
movie about trolls or something. Alright
let's take a look at how we're going to
play this. Now at the beginning the
rhythms are a little bit crazy it may
look a little intimidating but just
focus on the notes. We've got a C D D and
then this is tied you actually won't
play this note twice. Kind of disregard
this, this is just saying tied this
sixteenth note to this sixteenth note
which makes it actually equal in length
to this eighth note. If that's too
technical don't worry about it, you'll
just get the rhythm by feeling it. it's
♫Nothing I can see but you when you dance♫
Okay, so we've got C D D D D this one's
also tied so again don't worry about
playing that note, that's just telling
you to hold that a little extra long
compared to this first sixteenth note.
It's going to double its length ♫see♫ and
then sorry that's a D on the word 'see'. D C
D C D another tie basically whenever you
see this note tied you're not going to
play that note again so altogether we
have C D D D D C D C D D D D alright let's try
that on the piano. So finger 1 will be
on middle C and we have ♫Nothing I can
see but you when you dance dance dance♫
using letter names it's C D D D D C D C D D D D. But that's so many
seasoned D's I think the best way to
think about this is with the words
♫Nothing♫ is C D
and then 'I can see' is all D's ♫but you♫
is C D ♫when you♫ is C D ♫Nothing I can see but you when you dance dance dance♫
Now I'd
like you to press pause and try that a
few times on your own until you feel
comfortable with it. Try it really slowly
at first ♫Nothing I can see♫ slow motion, and then
gradually increase speed until you're at
♫Nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance♫
press pause, try that a few times on your
own, then press play when you're ready to
go on.
Okay, you'll notice after that D D
D now we drop down to the base clef so
our left hand is going to help out with
♫feel the good♫ This is A G D. Let's try
that on the piano. So your right hand's
been here in this kind of C position, our left hand is
going to hang out here. Our left hand for now
only needs to play this G and A so you can just use
fingers 2 or 3 on that. ♫Feel the good♫ Now you try.
Good, after ♫Feel the good, good creeping up♫ that's all
D's a bunch of D's in a row ♫good good
creeping up♫ and then ♫on you so just♫ so that's
another C D C D and then ♫dance dance dance♫
All together we've got, ♫Feel a good, good creeping up on you so just dance dance
dance♫ Now, press pause and try that phrase on your own, then press play when you're ready and go on.
Good! Now let's look at this next phrase.
Now, we step up to E for ♫All those things I♫
♫should do you but you♫ So, changes it a
little bit but it's still kind of the
same idea with the rhythm so we start on
E D D C D C D C D D D D let's try it on the
We're in the C position again and now
we're starting with finger 3 on E
for ♫All those things I should do you but
you dance dance dance♫ one more time E D D C D C D C D D D D ♫All those things I should do but you dance, dance, dance♫
press pause and try that one on your own
press play when you're ready to go on
Okay now we're back down
into the bass clef again with a G A D so
remember last time we had A G D but this
time it switches the order and we get G A D
for ♫ain't nobody leaving soon so keep dancing♫ That's also a little different here at
the end. We're used to having a C D but
this time it goes ♫so keep♫ up to the E ♫so
keep dancing♫ C E D C. Let's look at that
on the piano just those four notes.
♫so keep dancing♫ Now you try.
One more time together with me, go ♫so keep dancing♫
Good, now that whole phrase starting with
those two notes in the left hand G A D
♫and ain't nobody leaving soon so keep dancing♫
Now press pause and try that phrase on your own a
few times you ca ...
Can't Stop the Feeling
What You’ll Learn
How to play the hit song from "Trolls" by Justin Timberlake "Can't Stop the Feeling"
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