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I Saw Three Ships, secondo part (Elementary)

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Welcome back to Hoffman Academy. I'm Alex. Today I'm going to show you how to play the secondo part of our duet "I Saw Three Ships." The secondo is the second part. The primo was the first part, and if you want to learn that part, go see the video for that in the link below. Also there's a link below for the sheet music, so go ahead and grab that so you can follow along with us. Now this secondo part is made to be really easy. So you can get someone to come help you and play along with you, maybe even who hasn't even had piano lessons before, and you can show them how this works. So they are reading just one staff, and if it says RH next to it that means they're going to use their right hand. So I'm going to slide my body over here so I can use my right hand. This is where it starts. This is called F position, and I put my thumb and my pinky right here. I find the three black keys. I put my thumb there and my pinky right there, and this is all I need to play for the whole first half of the song. Now the important part of the secondo person's job is to keep a super steady beat. So I can count 1 2 1 2 and never stop. Never slow down, never speed up. Okay, now every time you see that chord, that's what you play. Now there's some more important symbols here. There's a repeat sign. That means you come back. So it's kind of hard to keep counting and keep track of the of the repeats because they happen a lot. So here's how it's going to be really easy. If you're going to be playing along while somebody plays the primo, you just keep that steady beat, and I'm going to use my left hand for now. You're going to use your right hand, but I'll show you what it sounds like to put them together. So if you play 1 2 1 2, keep counting to 2, and then go like this. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 See how easy that is? So you just keep counting to 2 like that. Now they're going to play that melody four times in a row, and you just keep playing along. Now eventually after the fourth time they will stop, and you just keep going. It sounds like this. And then it's all you, and you're going to play that four more times by yourself. So you play it four times at the beginning by yourself, and then they play along with you, and then four times by yourself again. Okay. Now, I'll show you how that all stands together so you can kind of play along with me, and you can hear how this melody starts. So from the very beginning, four times by yourself and then I'll bring in the melody. Ready? 1 2 1 2, third time, and fourth time. 1 2 Now it's all you. 1 2 2-& 3-& 4-& Now they're going to play some more melody, but look your part has changed. So, that was pretty easy. We're going to make it just a little bit more exciting. Instead of counting 1 2 for a single note, you're going to play both hands and the left hand is going to be 1 and your right hand is going to count 2. So this part, your left hand can move down. This is called A position because this is the note A right there, and E same thing you just do your thumb and pinky, but now your left hand is this low A, and your right hand plays this high A position. So they're both the same position starting on A and E, but now you're going to count 1 2 1 2. you want to keep the same speed as before if you were counting 1 2 1 2, now you're going to be counting: 1 2 1 2, just like this. Okay? And they're going to play that same melody four times just like before. But then when they finally finish, before you had four chords by yourself. This time we're looking on the second page at measure 27. Now you're going to play 1 2 beats on the left hand, and then 2 beats on the right hand. So the same speed of counting which you're going to count: 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2, and you're going to do that pattern four times. So here's 1. Here's 2, and then 3 2 1, and then last time 4-&, and by then they should finish and then you're gonna finish the whole song with one more left hand chord right there. Okay, so you probably want to hear how that sounds with the melody. So I'm going to play to make it easier so I can play both parts, I will play your part with one hand so you can follow along and just watch imagine that this is your right hand and left hand. Okay, so first let's start with that left hand, or sorry, the right hand you're still on, on the F chord playing that four times. And then we'll make this switch to this new pattern. Okay, here it is. You're going to count 1 2 2 2 3 2, and last here we go: 1 2 Left, right, left, right, and just keep going. Keep going. Last time. Last time, now you're going to count 1 2 1 2. Last time for this pattern. And then you end it right there. Thanks for learning with me today. Don't forget to like and subscribe, and go check out our website hoffmanacademy.com for all kinds of videos and tutorials. And as always, happy practicing!