Okay, last thing I'd like to do before we try playing this is going through and finding all the F's
because our key signature shows us that all the F's have to be sharp.
Be nice to circle those like this F right here,
so we're ready for them they don't catch us off guard, because we're going to have to sharp this F.
Can you find any other F's on this first line and point to it?
If you point it right here, you're correct. So let's circle that one,
and you can do this in your music too so you don't forget to sharp those.
And how about on this line? Do you see any F's?
I might have given it away, but it's right here.
Great, now, we're ready to try playing it.
Looking at the first note that the left hand has to play. Can you tell me what note it starts on? Use the letter name.
If you said G, you're correct. And it's a little bit below middle C,
so this will be our G measuring from this middle C,
and you'll notice that it starts on a finger 1. So I'm going to place my finger 1 on G.
And I might want to have my finger 2 ...
Lesson 161 – Melody for Left Hand
What You’ll Learn
How to play the LH part for "Melody for Left Hand" by Ludvig Schytte
Review: phrase marks, counting a subdivided beat, dotted quarter notes, and half steps
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