Hello and welcome back. I'm Joseph Hoffman and in this lesson
we'll learn how to play the right hand part for the B section of "Musette" in D.
Let's check out the score to get started.
The B section begins here in measure nine.
Just scan these first four measures of the B section for me and tell me what you notice.
Maybe notice that the left hand is playing a similar kind of octave back and forth pattern,
but this time instead of being on D D, we're going A A A A.
Also, did you notice that we have some TI-KI-TI's TI-KI-TI's.
Which are similar to some of the patterns we had in the A section. Also these descending
sixteenth notes: a string of four note stepping down which we also had in the A section, but they're rearranged in a new way.
In the B section of pieces it's common to take some patterns that we've had from the A section and do some new things with them.
Now on your own I'd like you to try speaking and tapping the rhythm of measures nine through twelve.
Remember this rhythm here is TI-KI-TI TI-KI-TI.
Now that's all I'm going to tell you. On your own pause the video and try tapping and speaking using rhythm words.
The rhythm for measures nine through twelve.
Good, now let's try these rhythms together. Speak the rhythm words while we tap it.
I'll count 2 beats and then we'll start. 1 2 TI-KI-TI TI-KI-TI TI-TI TA
Great, now one more thing I'd like you to do in your own sheet music, in your own score, is to circle all of the notes that need to be sharped.
Remember, our key signature automatically sharps any F's and any C's.
I see a C right here, so I'm going to circle that one. Now the rest I'd like you to find on your own. So again pause
the video on your own, find all the C's and F's, and circle them.
Use a pencil just in case you get something wrong, and then in a moment press play once you've done that and we'll track together.
Here are the notes you should have found in your score.
It turns out that there are no F's on this line, so we only had to worry about these C's to sharp.
Now let's try to play this on the piano.
All right, please tell me the first note you see that the right hand plays in measure nine.
If you said C you're correct.
It's not middle C, it's our treble C.
We know from our key signature that it's going to be C sharp.
It asks for a finger 2, so I've got my finger 2 ready on my C-sharp. Try this on your piano.
And now thinking of the rhythm TI-KI-TI TI-KI-TI, see if you on your own can figure out how to play measure nine.
Pause the video to give that a try, then press play to go on.
Here's what you should have figured out:
Hopefully you're paying attention not just to the notes but also to the slur and staccato marks.
So these are legato TI-KI-TI TI-KI-TI
Two legato notes leading into a third staccato note. TI-KI-TI TI-KI-TI. Now you try.
Good, now can you name the next note we play in measure ten?
If you said A, you're correct. Are we in position to play that A?
As we get to these more advanced songs
our hands are going to be moving around frequently, which means you need to be very comfortable with all the notes on the staff.
So hopefully you recognize right away that that's an A with finger 5.
Instead of stretching, we're just going to shift our hand over okay, and then what interval do you see between these first two notes in measure ten?
If you said a fourth you're correct.
Now you try.
Good let's put that together with measure nine. We have TI-KI-TI TI-KI-TI TI-TI TA. Now you try.
Good, now let's look at measure eleven. We have TI-TI TI-TI. Now you try.
Good, now name the next note you see in measure twelve.
If you said D, you're correct.
Always be watching not just the notes, but also finger numbers.
You can see that these are going to be notes stepping down and are we in position to play a D and step down?
That D is right here. We're out of fingers. That's why the sheet music gives us a 4. So once again we've got a shift our hand down
finger 4 and I've got my finger 3 ready because I know that C-sharp is coming.
So we have TI-KI-TI-KI. Now you try.
Now let's back up again to measure eleven. We had TI-TI TI-TI, shift down, TI-KI-TI-KI.
Now you try.
Always feel free to pause the video if you need more time.
Now the next note is a B,
but we have finger 2 on B, so we're going to have to shift down again to finger 3
and then we go down what interval do you see between these two eighth notes?
If you said a fifth you're correct.
Now my finger 1 is a third below, so to go a fifth I've got to go an extra skip below. So I'm going to go B B. Now you try.
Let's back up to the start of that measure. Finger 4's on D. TI-KI-TI-KI TI-TI. Now you try.
Let's go in slow motion. TI-KI-TI-KI move 3 over to B, TI- TI. Now you try ...
Lesson 237 – Musette in D: B Section: RH
What You’ll Learn
How to play the right hand part of the B section of "Musette in D"
How to approach articulation in a Baroque-style piece
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