Hello and welcome back. I'm Joseph Hoffman.
Today we're going to be learning to play
"Vivace" hands together.
Let's come and check out
the score.
Today we're learning the left hand part for "Vivace", so we can play it hands together.
So let's check out what the left hand is doing.
We're here in the
bass clef, so you'll see that we have a two note chord.
What's the name of this bottom note here?
That's right, it's a middle C.
I'll write a C right there,
and then this second note is a skip
above middle C, and I know that because
it's the next line up.
There's a space note in between, so this has to be a skip.
What is a skip above C?
That's right it's an E.
So we'll have middle C, and then the
E just a skip above that.
Let's try that on the piano.
So in the score, we saw that
we need a middle C and then the E is a skip above that.
Here's the middle C on
my piano, and here's the E here,
and the finger numbers it asked for where
fingers 1 and 3.
Finger 1 and 3,
and it plays a C and E like this for 4 beats. 1 2 3 4
Now let's try that together. Can you place
your hand in this position?
Finger 1 on E, finger 3 on C, and try it with me.
Ready, go: 1 2 3 4
Great, now let's go back to the score.
Over in measure two let's figure out the names of these two notes starting this time with the top note.
You'll see that we have the middle C line, but
this note is sitting on top of that line which tells me it's a step above middle C. What would that note be?
If you said D you're correct.
So this is the D a step above middle C, and then can you figure out the letter name for this note?
If you said G, you're correct.
So we have a G and D chord,
and the interval between these two notes is a fifth.
Let's try it on the piano.
Now in measure two, we need a G and a D.
You'll recall that we started out with our finger 1 here, finger 3 here.
Now we've got finger 2 on D already, and finger 5 is
going to have to shift down a little bit,
so it may be comfortable, more comfortable
for you if you let go with your finger 1
So you see I'm kind of rotating my
hand a little bit this way
to get that finger 5 on G, and finger 2 on D. So watch that again.
3 and 1 on C and E, and then you can shift down
for finger 5 on G, finger 2 on D.
Now if that's not comfortable, there's another
way we can do it,
and that would be to keep fingers 1 and 2 on C and E,
and then when you go to the G on D, you can just pick up finger 1 and move it down to the D.
So when you get here, is just like you're in a regular G position.
So watch that again. You have 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
And that may be more comfortable for smaller hands,
but I usually do it with 1 and 3 going to finger 2 and 5.
So why don't you press pause and try both ways, and see which you prefer,
and then stick with that fingering. You can always change it later if you decide
whether it's a finger 2 or a finger 3 on that middle C.
Press pause to try it
out, then press play when you're ready to go on.
All right, now let's try all of line one together.
Whatever fingering you've chosen, just use that,
and what we're going to do is play line one while counting the beat out loud.
So let's try it together.
Get in position. Here we go: 1 2, ready, go:
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Great! Now let's try that one more time. I'd
like you to play and count the beat just like we did,
and I will add the melody of the right hand.
You don't worry about playing the right hand. You just take care of the left hand,
and I'll add in the melody so we see what it's going to
sound like together.
Ok, your job is to play and count the left hand.
I'll count off 4 beats and then we start.
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
Now if you take a look at line two
you'll notice that the left hand at the
end of line two has
G and D for just a half note. 2 beats
going to a half note 2 beats on C and E
So let's try line two now
while we count out loud. Here we go:
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Great, now you play line two and count.
You just do the left hand, and I'll add in
the right hand.
Count out loud, I'll count 4 beats and then we start.
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Now let's check out line three.
You'll notice this time we start off with a G D chord
just for 2 beats it's
a half note, and that goes to a C and E chord
for 2 beats.
Now look at measure two, and tell me if you see the same thing or something different.
That's right, same thing in measure two. Now check out
measu ...
Lesson 119 – Vivace: Hands Together (Unit 6)
What You’ll Learn
How to play "Vivace" hands together
How to use slow metronome practice to master a fast piece
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